Accessibility statement
Barclay Meade is fully committed to ensuring that our site is accessible for all our users. Maintaining an accessible website is an ongoing process and we aim to continually make improvements. If you have any questions or comments on the accessibility of this site please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Keyboard access
Most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing keys defined on the web site. These are known as "access keys". They are activated in various ways depending on your browser and operating system. Here are the shortcuts for some common browsers:
- Internet Explorer 6 and above (Windows): ALT + key
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (Windows): ALT + key
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0 (Windows): ALT + SHIFT + key
- Safari (Apple Mac): CTRL + key
Visual design
Colours and Style sheets
Should you want to you can import your own style sheet into this website. Here is how:
Internet Explorer
- Select Tools > Internet options > Accessibility
- Next click on any or all of three checkboxes to ignore colours, font styles or font sizes
- In the same window you can change your style sheet by clicking the checkbox that says, 'format documents using my style sheet' then simply browse to your style sheet and click OK
Select Edit > Preferences > Appearance then your chosen colours and fonts
Mozilla Firefox
Select Tools > Options > Contents > Fonts & Colours then your chosen font family
Select Tools > Preferences > Web pages > Normal font then your chosen colour
Select Safari > Preferences > Appearance > Standard Font > then your chosen colour